
Friday, 5 September 2014

Embracing Digital Technology

'Midsummer' a painting I completed last July was one of the winners in the Bags of love's silk scarf contest recently. Even though I am a full time painter now, my original training was as a textile designer specialising in surface pattern design and silk screen printing. It is remarkable how our lives are influenced by digital technology, and even though I do not do much designing on computers at this point, I just love the fact that a 1mx1m painting can be photographed and the image used for a mulitcoloured crisply printed textile.
I see wonderful options and ideas blossomming for applications of my paintings and designs. I am selling through Spoonflower as well, and the range will expand further in September.

This is a towel printed with the 'Midsummer' design.

Silk scarf printed with 'Midsummer' design.


  1. Beautiful scarf!! Your paintings are so fabulous! I am a big fan. Do you have a link to your Spoonflower page?

  2. This is such a great idea for a scarf design! you could have your own line of clothing, you know - with your unique design. As I once read here - your future is only in your hands.
